Ep. 36: What to do when life derails you and gets you off track

May 20, 2021 inpowerment11 0 Comments

Leading a team, mentoring, and sales was not the world Tanya King originally envisioned for herself. The thought of public speaking made her sick to her stomach. Tanya’s comfort zone was trapped in the halls of Baptist Hospital, in Miami where she served as an ICU nurse. She never imagined that one day she would be trading the sound of beeping heart monitors and ventilators for a room filled with cheering and motivated people ready to take charge of their futures!
With persistence, dedication, and passion Tanya joined the direct selling world and reached the top in record time. Tanya grew up seeing first-hand what it meant to work hard and selflessly. Her mother held several jobs at once just to make ends meet. She watched her mom workday and night, sleeping on the couch just so her children could have a space to call their own. This is why when the opportunity to take control of her future presented itself, she seized the moment. Now after sixteen plus years of leading teams to new heights, and raising the bar for any upcoming entrepreneur, she is excited about the next chapter!
This drive and desire to create has always been a part of Tanya’s life, she just needed the right vehicle! No matter what company Tanya has worked with she consistently established her brand and motto as LIFE, Living in Faith and Focus Every Day! It is not just a name, or a brand she slapped on a shirt, it was a way of living for her. LIFE is a vision to create without limits. To inspire without fear. To surrender to the divine process.
To live your LIFE how you’ve always dreamt it would be. When people see the word LIFE, Tanya wants them to feel like master creators. She wants them to know they are enough! Your LIFE is yours. What are YOU willing to create? That’s the vision you will capture when you are Living in Faith and Focus Every Day!
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